Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I just want to say to say that since becoming a Christian in 1991 I have always pondered who why what when where and how of the whole organized religion abomination thing I mean Christian organization inc. came about. I can honestly say now after praying and reading many differing views and talking with many people about the orgins of their Christianity ( not the core JESUS , but the rituals and articles involved) there are way to many who just accept everything without checking it out for themselves/myself. I am still reading Pagan Christianity a book I highly recommend to anyone searching for their abominational roots. All of the things mentioned in this article in depth and with all the refferrences included. I know God is calling us out I hope everyone is listening. We build multi million dollar mega structures (coffins) and fill them with robots we program to be like us. .This is ridiculous considering there are people who don't eat at night or have anything over their head I know most of us are saying oh but I tithe regularly to help those people how much of your tithe is going to pay someones salary OR FOR THE BUILDING or land, PGE, custodial care, maintainence, snacks, coffee, trips, special speakers, new carpet, paint, I bet about 1-2% of the tithe actually gets to those who really need it if even that ! I am not judging anyones personal walk with Christ that is between you and Jesus what I am saying is remove the pagan teachings and articles and rituals and come back to ACTS and let us be true Followers of Jesus ( DOING ALL THE THINGS HE DID) I am going to start teaching the people God sends me to follow JESUS, that they should find some people who want to meet once in awhile and share what is going on with them and walking with Jesus to pray and eat and laugh and cry healing people and prophesying Gods word and just hang out ministering to each other and anyone God leads them to and seek His guidance and listen to His voice and READ their BIBLE- TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS- BE CHRISTIANS -PEACE


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